Havens, Halos and Spaghetti: Untangling the Evidence About the Relationship Between Foreign Investment and the Environment

Lyuba Zarsky Co-Director Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development presented at the Conference on Foreign Direct Investment and the Environment: OECD Environment Directorate The Hague, The Netherlands 28-29 January, 1999 Executive Summary In the context of increasing globalisation of capital flows, the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the environment is a topic […]

APEC, Globalization and the “Sustainable Development Agenda”

APEC, Globalization and the “Sustainable Development Agenda” Lyuba Zarsky CoDirector Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development Draft text for Asian Perspectives Fall 1998 Introduction In the early 1990s, popular concern about mounting ecological degradation swept the world. The historical moment was crystallized in the 1992 UN World Conference on Environment and Development, known popularly as […]

Promoting a Plan for a Marine Environment Monitoring Network in the North Pacific

Promoting a Plan for a Marine Environment Monitoring Network in the North Pacific Tomohiro SHISHIME Assistant Director Water Quality Bureau Environment Agency of Japan presented at the ESENA Workshop: Energy-Related Marine Issues in the Sea of Japan Tokyo, Japan 11-12 July 1998 Introduction This paper is based on a report entitled On the Plan for […]

Communities, Markets and City Government: Innovative Roles for Coastal Cities to Reduce Marine Pollution in the Asia-Pacific

Jason Hunter and Lyuba Zarsky Program Officer and CoDirector Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development Prepared for APEC Workshop on Regional Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities April 14-16, 1998 Townsville, Australia Abstract: As large agglomerations of both people and industry, coastal cities […]

Communities, Markets and City Government: Innovative Roles for Coastal Cities to Reduce Marine Pollution in the Asia-Pacific

Communities, Markets and City Government: Innovative Roles for Coastal Cities to Reduce Marine Pollution in the Asia-Pacific Jason Hunter and Lyuba Zarsky Program Officer and CoDirector Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development Prepared for APEC Workshop on Regional Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based […]

Stuck In the Mud? Nation-States, Globalization and the Environment

Stuck In the Mud? Nation-States, Globalization and the Environment Lyuba Zarsky Co-Director Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable DevelopmentN2 Globalisation and Environment Study OECD Economics Division The Hague, The Netherlands May, 1997 Abstract Environmental and resource management is largely the preserve of nation-states. Economic globalization, however, constrains the unilateral management capacities of nation- states and […]

Tumen River Area Development Program and Transboundary Water Pollution

Jason Hunter Program Officer Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development Based on a talk given at: The Woodrow Wilson Center Environmental Change and Security Project Working Group on Environment in US-China Relations January 7, 1998 I. Northeast Asia: a Region of RegionsIn the late 1990s, the Tumen River Area Development Program (TRADP) has emerged […]

Tumen River Area Development Program and Transboundary Water Pollution

Based on a talk given at: The Woodrow Wilson Center Environmental Change and Security Project Working Group on Environment in US-China Relations January 7, 1998   I. Northeast Asia: a Region of Regions In the late 1990s, the Tumen River Area Development Program (TRADP) has emerged as Northeast Asia’s predominant intergovernmental economic cooperation effort. The […]