Voice of America Interview with Peter Hayes The Korea Question and US-China Relations

VOICE OF AMERICA: “ISSUES IN U.S.-CHINA RELATIONS” SUBJECT: THE KOREA QUESTION AND U.S.-CHINA RELATIONS MODERATOR: JOHN KAMM PARTICIPANTS: PETER HAYES and SCOTT SNYDER Monday, November 1, 1999 Tape Transcription MR. KAMM: Welcome to “Issues In U.S.-China Relations.” This is your host, John Kamm. And on today’s show, we’ll be examining the timely topic of “The […]

Early Indicators: ROK Long Range Missile Capabilities

Peter Hayes Peter Hayes is Co-Director of the Nautilus Institute. He has written many studies of security issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula, especially on missile and nuclear-related matters. Recent media coverage of North and South Korean missile programs (see the Nov. 16, 1999 NAPSNet Daily Report) makes no reference to the past history of […]

Statement from the Multinational Humanitarian Mission

Tuesday, September 28, 1999, from Berkeley, California, USA The United States Information Agency (USIA) distributed the following statement of the Multinational Humanitarian Mission to East Timor on September 27. A guide to all NAPSNet East Timor Special Reports is available online at: http://www.nautilus.org/napsnet/sr/East_Timor/index.html ———————————— Statement from the Multinational Humanitarian Mission A humanitarian mission representing the […]

East Timor and the “Disintegration” of Indonesia

September 21, 1999 This is the latest in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This article is by Sylvia Tiwon, Professor of Indonesia at the Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley. It is also available on the Berkeley Indonesia Forum website at: http://www.bi-forum.org/opedtiwon.htm A guide […]

East Timor and Australia- Twenty-five years of the policy debate

September 21, 1999 This is the latest in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This article is by James Cotton of the Australian Defence Force Academy. A guide to all NAPSNet East Timor Special Reports is available online at: http://www.nautilus.org/napsnet/sr/East_Timor/index.html ———————————– INTRODUCTION East Timor and Australia- twenty-five years of the […]

Asia Pacific Policy Center

September 16, 1999 This is the latest in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This is an excerpt from an issue brief prepared by Douglas Paal for the Asia Pacific Policy Center. A guide to all NAPSNet East Timor Special Reports is available online at: http://www.nautilus.org/napsnet/sr/East_Timor/index.html ———————————– Asia Pacific Policy […]

A Tale of Timor and New World Disorder?

September 16, 1999 This is the latest in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This article is by Susan Tillou, Research Associate and Coordinator of Asia Studies Programming at the Council on Foreign Relations. Ms. Tillou served this summer as a District Electoral Office with the United Nations Mission in […]


September 15, 1999 This is the latest in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This article is by Dr. Harold Crouch, senior fellow in the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University and author of “The Army and Politics in Indonesia,” (Cornell University Press, 1988). This article […]


September 15, 1999 This is the latest in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This article is by Admiral Michael McDevitt, a Senior Fellow at CAN Corporation in Washington. A guide to all NAPSNet East Timor Special Reports is available online at: http://www.nautilus.org/napsnet/sr/East_Timor/index.html ———————————– EAST TIMOR AND TEACHING LESSONS Michael […]

The Indonesian Intelligence State Revisited

September 14, 1999 This is the latest in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This article is by Richard Tanter of Kyoto Seika University in Japan. A guide to all NAPSNet East Timor Special Reports is available online at: http://www.nautilus.org/napsnet/sr/East_Timor/index.html ———————————– The Indonesian Intelligence State Revisited Richard Tanter 1. The […]