Nuclear Abolition Scenarios

  Nuclear Abolition Scenarios Bruce D. Larkin Professor of Politics University of California at Santa Cruz Introduction This paper is a comparison of five proposals for denuclearization. The object is to illuminate the characteristics of any nuclear abolition design: prerequisites, initiators, participants, negotiation (original and ongoing, forum and decision processes), timing (stagings and simultaneities), removals, […]

Discussion of Macro Assumptions in the Future Evolution of the Chinese Energy System and the Impact of Energy Security Considerations on Planning

Abstract The first section of this paper discusses the “macro” assumptions which are important in the future evolution of the Chinese energy system. Main points include: (1) Forecasts for population and urbanization rate. The population will be 1.28 billion in 2000, 1.38 billion in 2010 and 1.48 billion in 2020. The urbanization rate will be […]

Civil Society and the Future of Environmental Governance in Asia

Lyuba Zarsky CoDirector Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development and Simon SC Tay Singapore Institute of International Affairs April 2000 Published in: D. Angel and M. Rock, eds., Asia’s Clean Revolution: Industry, Growth and the Environment, Sheffield, U.K.: Greenleaf Publishing, 2001.   Abstract This paper explores the role that civil society could play as […]

Civil Society and the Future of Environmental Governance in Asia

Civil Society and the Future of Environmental Governance in Asia Lyuba Zarsky CoDirector Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development and Simon SC Tay Singapore Institute of International Affairs April 2000 Published in: D. Angel and M. Rock, eds., Asia’s Clean Revolution: Industry, Growth and the Environment, Sheffield, U.K.: Greenleaf Publishing, 2001. Abstract This paper explores […]

Civil Society and the Future of Environmental Governance in Asia April 2000

Abstract This paper explores the role that civil society could play as a ‘driver’ of a new paradigm of ecologically sustainable and equitable development in Asia. It argues that the growth and effectiveness of civil society–and the processes of democratization which nourish it–is likely to be the most significant force in the emergence and implementation […]

Challenges in Expanding External Economic Relations with North Korea

Challenges in Expanding External Economic Relations with North Korea North Korean System at the Dawn of the 21st Century University of California at Berkeley Bradley Babson Eun Sook Kim World Bank April 7, 2000     North Korea is starting off the 21st Century with a major shift in its relations with the international community. […]

Getting Traction? Sustainable Development and the Governance of Investment

Lyuba Zarsky CoDirector Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development presented at Conference on Sustainability, Trade and Investment: Which Way Now for the WTO? Royal Institute of International Affairs London, Great Britain March 27-28, 2000   The collapse of the OECD’s negotiations over a Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), as well as the WTO trade […]


February 23, 2000 The following article was distributed by the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI). Theodore Friend, a Senior Fellow at FPRI, is currently writing a book on the history of Indonesia, under contract with Harvard University Press. This is the text of his testimony to the House Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on Asia […]

East Timor and Asian Security

February 23, 2000 The following article by Wade Huntley, Nautilus Program Director for Global Security, and Peter Hayes, Executive Director, is included in the special issue on “East Timor, Indonesia and the World System,” of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars ( Volume 31, Nos. 1 and 2. For earlier NAPSNet Special Reports on East […]