“North Korea’s Uranium Exports: Much Ado About Something” By Peter Hayes

In this special report, Peter Hayes provides basic information on North Korea’s uranium industry. He concludes that the main significance of the reported export of North Korean uranium to Libya is not that the DPRK exported uranium, a material that is available from many suppliers around the world, but rather, the fact that it has already developed an important prerequisite for enriching its own uranium.

This special report is accompanied by three documents that provide new insight into the support for North Korea’s uranium mining industry from the IAEA and western companies.

Changes of North Korea and the Future of Inter-Korean Relations 8.12.02

Changes of North Korea and the Future of Inter-Korean Relations aug. 12, 2002   The following paper is by Dr. Tae-Hwan Kwak, Professor Emeritus at Eastern Kentucky University and former President of the Korea Institute for National Unification, and Dr. Seung-Ho Joo, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota-Morris. The paper has three specific […]

Turning the Tide 7.8.02

Turning the tide July 8, 2002 Japan is a major donor of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) to Pacific island nations, doubling its aid to the region between 1987 and 1995. By 1999, Japan was the largest bilateral aid donor to Tonga, Vanuatu, Samoa and the Solomon Islands, and the second largest donor to Fiji, Papua […]

Global Dimensions of Energy Growth Projections in Northeast Asia

1. Introduction and Background Recent economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region in general, and in Northeast Asia in particular, has been spectacular. Along with this growth has come a vast expansion in the need for energy services, and an expansion in the demand for the fuels that help to supply these services. Future projections suggest […]

America’s Korea Watchers Assess Developments on the Korean Peninsula

  America’s Korea Watchers Assess Developments on the Korean Peninsula Peter M. Beck April 11, 2002 A recent survey of Korea watchers in the United States finds broad support for engaging North Korea and an almost equally strong disapproval of the Bush Administration’s approach to North Korea. Dong-a Ilbo, one of Korea’s largest daily newspapers […]

Activism, Hacktivism, and Cyberterrorism: The Internet as a Tool for Influencing Foreign Policy

The conflict over Kosovo has been characterized as the first war on the Internet. Government and non-government actors alike used the Net to disseminate information, spread propaganda, demonize opponents, and solicit support for their positions. Hackers used it to voice their objections to both Yugoslav and NATO aggression by disrupting service on government computers and […]

Nautilus Institute Report on WTO Meetings in Seattle

Nautilus Institute Report on WTO Meetings in Seattle U.S. ARROGANCE AND INCOMPETENCE — A LETHAL MIX Reflections on Seattle by Lyuba Zarsky The image of police battling protesters in Seattle may have faded from TV screens but hopefully not from the minds of US trade officials. There are important lessons to be drawn about how […]

The Nuclear Dimension of the U.S.-Japan Alliance

The Nuclear Dimension of the U.S.-Japan Alliance Morton H. Halperin Note: This paper was completed prior to Morton H. Halperin joining the U.S. Department of State as Director of the Policy Planning Staff. ABSTRACT The US-Japan military alliance is overlooked as a crucial element for either promoting or discouraging nuclear proliferation. Future developments in the […]


***SPECIAL REPORT**** DECEMBER 21, 2000 On June 24-5, the Nautilus Institute and The United Nations University jointly convened the collaborative workshop, “East Asian Regional Security Futures: Theater Missile Defense Implications.” The purpose of the meeting was to increase communication and knowledge of current theater missile defense (TMD) proposals among specialists from China, Japan and the […]