Non-Hostile Intent

Non-Hostile Intent Robert Carlin, Visiting Fellow, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University NAPSNet Policy Forum, February 3, 2015 Nautilus-CIIS Workshop on Comprehensive Security Settlement and DPRK Nuclear Issue, Beijing, January 23, 2014 I. Introduction Robert Carlin explores the effort to deal with “North [Korea’s] constant refrain that what stood in the way of a breakthrough in […]

The DPRK as a Participant in Northeast Asia Regional Energy Cooperation: Benefits and Challenges

NAPSNet Policy Forum By David Von Hippel and Peter Hayes 20 January, 2015 This paper was originally published with support from the Hanyang University’s Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 2, No.10. I. Introduction In this policy forum, the authors argue, “Resolution of the DPRK nuclear weapons and related issues would open […]

Private Purchases of Solar Photovoltaic Panels in the DPRK: Signs of Green Growth on the Way?

NAPSNet Policy Forum By David Von Hippel and Peter Hayes 13 January, 2015 This paper was originally published with support from the Hanyang University’s Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 2, No.9. I. Introduction In the following Policy Forum, David von Hippel and Peter Hayes examine the growth of solar panel purchases […]

Strategic Negligence and the Sony Sideshow

NAPSNet Policy Forum Peter Hayes December 22, 2014 I. Introduction Peter Hayes argues, “It is urgent to correct the fish-tailing, improvised response that the United States has adopted in response to the Sony attack and aftermath.” “Each day that passes, North Korea is enriching uranium that can be used in nuclear weapons, it is improving its […]

India-Vietnam Axis: Energy & Geopolitical Imperatives

Kapil Patil Nautilus Institute This paper was originally published with support from the Hanyang University’s Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 2, No.9. India’s previous policy of avoiding alliances with great powers and/or playing an overt geopolitical balancing game seems to be no longer a foreign policy option in an increasingly multi-polar […]

Russia-South Korea-North Korea Trilateral Cooperation in 2013-2014

Younkyoo Kim Center for Energy Governance & Security This paper was originally published in Hanyang University’s  Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 2, No.7 as Whatever Pyongyang’s reasons are for shelving Moscow’s initiatives, the failure to date of these proposals to gain traction clearly has serious implications for Russia’s Korea and overall […]

Australia in America’s Iraq War 3.0

Richard Tanter Nautilus Institute 14 November 2014 Little more than a month after the start of bombing operations, Australia’s new war in Iraq is following the path of its predecessor, a path marked by subordination to American interests, a casual disregard for Iraqi sovereignty and law, severe restriction of information provided to the Australian public, […]

Win-Win: China’s ability to play an active and constructive role in the Northeast Asia Energy and Environmental Sector

Roger Cavazos, David Von Hippel, and Peter Hayes Nautilus Institute 4 November 2014 This paper was originally published with support from the Hanyang University’s Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 1, No.10. Roger Cavazos is a Nautilus Institute Associate and retired US military officer with assignments in the intelligence and policy communities. David […]

Nuclear Safety Concerns with China’s Growing Reactor Fleet

David Von Hippel and James H. Williams Nautilus Institute 28 October 2014 This paper was originally published with support from the Hanyang University’s Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 1, No.4. David Von Hippel is a Nautilus Institute Senior Associate working on energy and environmental issues in Asia, including on nuclear spent fuel […]

Ping-Pong Diplomacy for the 21st Century in the DPRK?

David Von Hippel Nautilus Institute 21 October 2014 This paper was originally published with support from the Hanyang University’s Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 1, No.5 as   David Von Hippel is a Nautilus Institute Senior Associate working on energy and environmental issues in Asia, including on nuclear spent fuel management issues. […]