NAPSNet Daily Report 18 January, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Activities in the Congo
2. ROK Rocket Development
3. PRC Defense Minister’s ROK Visit
4. Taiwan Elections
5. Cross-Straits Relations
6. PRC-Russian Defense Talks
7. US-Japan Military Relations
8. US Anti-Missile Test
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Activities in the Congo
2. Alleged Japanese Technology Transfers to DPRK
3. Japanese Aid to DPRK
4. ROK Aid to DPRK
5. DPRK Nationals in PRC
6. PRC Defense Minister’s ROK Visit
7. DPRK 100 won bill

NAPSNet Daily Report 14 January, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Refugees in PRC
2. DPRK Missile Launch Site
3. US-Taiwan Relations
4. Taiwan Military Development
5. PRC View of US Missile Defense
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Refugees in PRC
2. DPRK on Korean War Massacre
3. DPRK Foreign Policy
4. US Policy toward DPRK
5. DPRK Food Aid
6. ROK-DPRK Economic Cooperation
7. DPRK Environmental Research
8. ROK Foreign Minister
III. Japan 1. DPRK Missile Launch Site
2. Japanese-DPRK Relations
3. Japan’s CTBT Policy
4. India’s CTBT Policy
5. Japanese Nuclear Fuel

NAPSNet Daily Report 12 January, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Launch Site
2. Kazakhstan MiG Sales to DPRK
3. Korean War Massacre
4. PRC Human Rights
II. Republic of Korea 1. PRC Defense Chief to Visit ROK
2. Kazakhstan MiG Sales to DPRK
3. DPRK Missile Development
4. DPRK-ROK Military Balance
5. ROK Missile Development
6. Korean War Massacre
7. Mt. Kumkang Tour
8. ROK Exports to DPRK
9. DPRK View on Capitalist System
III. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK Immigrants in PRC
2. DPRK-Italian Normalization
3. Korean War Massacre
4. ROK Military Expenditures
5. ROK Prime Minister Nomination
6. PRC-US Relations
7. US Arms Sales to Taiwan
8. Cross-Strait Economic Relations

NAPSNet Daily Report 10 January, 2000


I. United States

1. No Gun Ri Incident
2. Kazakhstan MiG Sales to DPRK
3. Japanese Views on DPRK Normalization
4. ROK Military Purchases
5. Japan and the G-8
6. US-Japan Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. No Gun Ri Incident
2. DPRK-US Relations
3. DPRK Electricity Shortage
4. KEDO Construction
5. ROK Expectations of PRC
6. PRC Continues Missile Shipments to DPRK
7. DPRK Gross National Income
8. DPRK Military Expenditures
9. ROK Aid to DPRK
10. ROK Computer Aid to DPRK Prohibited
11. DPRK-ROK Economic Cooperation
12. DPRK-ROK Talks
13. ROK NGO Representatives to Visit DPRK
14. ROK Policy on Inter-Korean Cooperation
15. DPRK Defectors in Russia

NAPSNet Daily Report 05 January, 2000


I. United States

1. Italy-DPRK Diplomatic Normalization
2. US-DPRK Talks
3. DPRK-Japan Normalization Talks
4. US-PRC Military Relations
5. Taiwan Election
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-Italy Normalization
2. DPRK-Japan Normalization Talks
4. DPRK-US Talks
5. US Policy toward DPRK
6. ROK-DPRK Talks
7. ROK Policy toward DPRK
8. Prospect of Korean Unification
9. ROK-DPRK Economic Cooperation
10. ROK Aid to DPRK
11. UN Aid to DPRK
12. DPRK Human Rights
13. ROK Human Rights
III. People’s Republic of China 1. ROK-DPRK Relations
2. Across Taiwan Straits Relations
3. PRC Reactions to Yeltsin’s Resignation
4. Japanese-Russian Relations
5. Japan-US Military Relations
6. PRC Diplomatic Tasks in 2000
7. Pakistan’s Attitude to CTBT
IV. Announcements 1. New Publication
2. Maps of DPRK Nuclear Facility

NAPSNet Daily Report 03 January, 2000


I. United States

1. Light-Water Reactor Project
2. Japanese Detained in DPRK
3. ROK-DPRK Relations
4. Taiwan Missile Tests
5. Taiwan Participation in TMD
6. Cross-Straits Relations
7. Taiwanese Election
8. US-PRC Relations
9. PRC-Russia Relations
10. PRC-Vietnam Border Agreement
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK-DPRK Relations
2. DPRK Policy in 2000
3. DPRK-Russia Relations
4. Japanese Detained in DPRK
5. DPRK View of US Policy
6. DPRK-ROK Economic Cooperation
III. Japan 1. Japanese DPRK Relations
2. Japanese Detained in DPRK
3. Japanese-Russian Relations
4. Japanese-PRC Relations
5. Cross-Straits Relations