NAPSNet Daily Report 20 April, 2001


I. United States

1. US Policy toward DPRK
2. DPRK Nuclear Program
3. US-ROK Military Exercises
4. Remains of US Soldiers from Korean War
5. ROK Aid to DPRK
6. ROK Role in US-PRC Spy Plane Incident
7. US-PRC Talks
8. Detentions of Chinese-Americans in PRC
9. US Weapons Sales to Taiwan
10. Taiwan Military Exercises
11. US Visits by Taiwan Officials
12. Lee Teng-hui’s Japan Visit
II. Japan 1. DPRK Weapons Development
2. Japanese-ROK Relations
3. US Food Aid to DPRK
4. Korean A-Bomb Victims
5. Lee Teng Hui’s Visa

NAPSNet Daily Report 18 April, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Missile Sales to Iran
2. Japanese History Textbook
3. US-PRC Talks
4. US Arms Sales to Taiwan
5. US Ambassador to PRC
6. PRC Human Rights
7. Missile Defense Report
II. Republic of Korea 1. Red Cross Chiefs to Meet in Spain
2. DPRK Military Inspections
3. DPRK Food Shortage
4. EU on DPRK Project
III. People’s Republic of China 1. US on PRC-US Mid-air Collision
2. PRC Awards Missing Pilot
3. ROK-Japanese Relations
4. Lee Teng-hui’s planned Japan Visit
5. UK on NMD Program
6. Russia’s Countermeasures to US NMD Program

NAPSNet Daily Report 12 April, 2001


I. United States

1. US Policy toward DPRK
2. DPRK Agricultural Policy
3. Pyongyang International Marathon
4. US Policy toward PRC
5. US-PRC Relations
6. US Opinions on Spy Plane Incident
7. Status of US Plane
8. PRC Fighter Intercepts
9. US Arms Sales to Taiwan
10. US-Taiwan Naval Cooperation
11. PRC South China Sea Policy
12. Japanese Prime Minister
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-Russia Summit
2. US Aid to DPRK
3. EU’s Relations with DPRK
4. US Bombing Range

NAPSNet Daily Report 10 April, 2001


I. United States

1. Japanese NGO’s DPRK Visit
2. US-PRC Spy Plane Incident
3. US Government Position on Incident
4. PRC Government Position on Incident
5. Public Attitudes toward Collision
6. Situation of US Spy Plane Crew
7. Effect of Plane Collision on US-PRC Relations
8. South China Seas Espionage
9. PRC Olympic Bid
10. Taiwan Military Exercises
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK Views of Missile Defense
III. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC on Air Collision
2. Taiwanese Position on Air-collision
3. World Opinion on PRC-US Air-Collision
4. PRC-Russian Relations
5. PRC on Japanese History Textbook
6. ROK on Japanese History Textbook

NAPSNet Daily Report 09 April, 2001


I. United States

1. New DPRK Budget and Policy Guidelines
2. DPRK Missile Exports
3. US-ROK View of DPRK Threat
4. ROK Protest Japanese Textbooks
5. US-PRC Plane Collision
6. Effect of Collision on Sino-US Relations
7. PRC Military Role in Spy Plane Standoff
8. Popular PRC Sentiments About Standoff
9. Analysis of US-PRC Standoff
10. Underground PRC Nuclear Tests
11. Taiwan’s View of Plane Collision
12. Dalai Lama Visits Taiwan
13. Japanese Prime Minister Resigns
II. Republic of Korea 1. PRC Official’s Visit to ROK
2. DPRK Parliamentary Session
3. DPRK Broadcast towards ROK
4. DPRK Relations with US
5. DPRK Human Rights
6. Aid to DPRK
III. Japan 1. Japanese Reaction to US-PRC Collision
2. Japanese-PRC Relations
3. Japanese Constitution
4. History Textbook
5. Prime Minister’s Resignation