NAPSNet Daily Report 05 June, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Ships in ROK Waters
2. US-PRC Relations
3. Japanese View of US Missile Defense
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-Malaysia Relations
2. ROK-US Talks on DPRK
3. DPRK Trade Volume
4. DPRK Officials to Study Capitalism
5. DPRK on Talks with US
III. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC-US Relations
2. PRC Response to Japan PM’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine
3. NATO Refuses to Back US NMD
4. Russia’s View on US NMD Program
5. Russia Denies Missile Rumors
6. Cross-Straits Relations

NAPSNet Daily Report 01 June, 2001


I. United States

1. US-PRC Trade Relations
2. US View of Relations with PRC
II. Republic of Korea 1. US-DPRK Talks
2. DPRK-Australia Relations
3. ROK-US Talks
4. DPRK Food Security
5. Perry to Visit DPRK
6. DPRK Nuclear Inspection
III. Japan 1. DPRK Computer Hackers
2. Japan-US Summit Talks
3. Japan-US Defense Talks
4. Foreign Minister’s Statement on NMD
5. Japanese Emperor’s Visit to ROK
6. Japan-ROK Talks on DPRK
7. Japanese History Textbook
8. Prime Minister’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine

NAPSNet Daily Report 30 May, 2001


I. United States

1. Trilateral Coordination Meeting
2. PRC View of Inter-Korean Relations
3. Australia-DPRK Relations
4. Return of US Spy Plane
5. PRC Military Exercises
6. US-Taiwan Relations
7. US-PRC Trade Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. Light-Water Reactor Project
2. Trilateral Coordination Meeting
3. DPRK View of Relations with US
4. PRC on Inter-Korean Relations
5. Proposed Inter-Korean Forum
6. Northern Limit Line
7. DPRK-Pakistan Military Relations
8. DPRK GDP Growth
9. Inter-Korean Agricultural Cooperation
III. People’s Republic of China 1. ROK Position on Japanese History Textbook
2. PRC-ROK Relations
3. PRC-Russian Relations
4. PRC Attitude to EP-3 Plane
5. PRC on Chen Shui-bian’s US Stopover
6. PRC on US Permitting Dalai Lama’s Visit
7. PRC-Japanese Relations
8. US Military Build-up

NAPSNet Daily Report 25 May, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK Nuclear Inspections
2. US Spy Plane in the PRC
3. Japanese History Textbook
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK-PRC Talks
2. Inter-Korean Relations
3. DPRK Nuclear
4. New US Ambassador to ROK
5. ROK-US Policy towards DPRK
III. Japan 1. US View of Japan’s Collective Self-Defense
2. US Policy toward DPRK
3. US View of Kim Jong-il’s Diplomacy
4. Lee Teng-Hui’s Visa
5. Japanese History Textbook
6. Prime Minister’s Visit to Yasukuni Shrine