NAPSNet Daily Report 19 August, 2002


I. United States

1. Cross-Strait Relations
2. PRC Human Rights
3. DPRK-Japan Red Cross Talks
4. Japan-DPRK Wartime Missing
5. ROK President Recovery
6. ROK-US Cyber War Games
7. DPRK Boat Refugees
8. Inter-Korean Railway Development
II. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK-ROK Relations
2. PRC Commentary on DPRK-ROK Relations
3. DPRK-Russia Relations
4. ROK-Russia Relations
5. US-DPRK Relations
6. US-PRC Relations
7. Across Taiwan Strait Relations
8. Russia’s Nuclear Policy
9. Japan-DPRK Relations

NAPSNet Daily Report 16 August, 2002


I. United States

1. Taiwan Independence Referendum
2. Cross-Straits Relations
3. PRC on DPRK Asylum Seekers
4. ROK-DPRK on Japanese Militarism
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter Korean Relations
2. ROK-US Relations
3. US-DPRK Relations
4. DPRK Defector In PRC
III. Japan 1. US Bases in Japan
2. MSDF’s Secrecy
3. MacArthur’s view on Japanese Economy
4. Secret Pact on Okinawa Reversion
IV. Russian Federation 1. RF Arms Sales to PRC
2. RF Security Council Delegation in PRC
3. RF Far Eastern Flood Blamed on PRC
4. RF Demographic Situation and PRC
5. PRC Socio-Economic Developments
6. PRC-Taiwan Confrontation
7. RF and Japan to Fight RF Timber Smuggling
8. Japan-ROK Dispute Over An Island
9. DPRK-ROK Relations and ASEAN Regional Forum

NAPSNet Daily Report 13 August, 2002


I. United States

1. DPRK-US Nuclear Agreement
2. DPRK-US Military Relations
3. RF-PRC Espionage Case
4. PRC Air Raid Drills
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter Korean Ministerial Talks
2. DPRK-Japan Relations
3. Japan’s Policy on Asylum-Seekers
4. NK Flag to Be Allowed in Stadiums and Quarters
III. Japan 1. Hiroshima 57th Anniversary
2. Overseas A-Bomb Survivors
3. US Bases in Okinawa
4. UN Conference on Disarmament in Kyoto
5. Yasukuni Shrine Visit
IV. CanKor E-Clipping Service 1. CanKor Issue #95: Economic changes in the DPRK

NAPSNet Daily Report 12 August, 2002


I. United States

1. Cross-Straits Relations
2. DPRK-ROK Relations
3. DPRK Currency Devaluation
4. ROK Soccer Chief Presidential Run
5. Russia-ROK Weapons Sales
6. Taiwan UN Bid
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter Korean Relations
2. DPRK-Russia Relations
3. US Envoy to DPRK
4. DPRK’s Missile Issue
5. DPRK Delegates in Seoul
III. Japan 1. Japan-PRC Relations over Yasukuni Issue
2. Yasukuni Issue
3. Japan-DPRK Relations
4. DPRK-KEDO Relations
5. Japan-Myanmar Relations