NAPSNet Daily Report 18 February, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK 1953 Armistice Withdrawal
2. ROK on Inter-Korean War
3. Japan on DPRK Armistice Withdrawal
4. US-Japan Missile Defense System
5. US on DPRK Economic Sanctions
6. PRC-DPRK Nuclear Diplomacy
7. ROK Subway Arson Attack
8. DPRK Asylum Seekers
9. Kim Jong Il Birthday Celebration
10. PRC-Japan-US Trade
11. PRC Anti-Corruption
12. Japan Emperor Status
13. Inter-Korean Relations
14. PRC on US-Iraq Situation
II. People’s Republic of China 1. ROK-DPRK Relations
2. ROK-US Relations
3. Development of DPRK’s Nuke Issue
4. PRC-ROK Relations on DPRK Nuke Issue
5. PRC’s Attitude towards DPRK Nuclear Issue
6. US’s Security Policy
7. PRC’s Commentary on Japan’s Diplomatic Policy
8. Russia’s Response to DPRK’s Nuke Issue
III. CanKor E-Clipping Service 1. Issue #94

NAPSNet Daily Report 14 February, 2003


I. United States

1. US ROK Forces
2. US on DPRK Sanctions
3. DPRK-US Relations
4. ROK-Russia DPRK Diplomacy
5. DPRK UN Meddling Accusations
6. Kim DPRK “Secret Payments” Apology
7. Japan Domestic Economy
8. Russian Domestic Economy
9. Japan-Germany Iraq Relief Talks
10. DPRK on US Military Border Movement
11. DPRK-ROK Cross-Border Route
12. PRC Space Exploration
II. Japan 1. Japanese Logistical Support for US
2. Japan on War against Iraq
3. Japanese Opinion Poll on Iraq
4. Japan on PKO Participation
5. US Bases in Japan
6. Overseas A-Bomb Survivors
7. Lawsuit on Fast Breeder Reactor Monju
8. US on Japanese Nukes
9. TEPCO Nuclear Reactor Restart
10. SDF-Police Joint Drill

NAPSNet Daily Report 13 February, 2003


I. United States

1. Japan on DPRK Nuclear Situation
2. Japan DPRK Pre-emptive Military Action
3. Japan-ROK Role in U.N. Security Council
4. ROK on DPRK-IAEA Relations
5. DPRK US Soldier Prison Sentence
6. ROK on US DPRK Attack
7. US DPRK Missile Assessment
8. PRC-Russia on US-DPRK Diplomacy
9. US on PRC-DPRK Diplomacy
10. US on DPRK UN Sanctions
11. US DPRK-Iraq Two-Front War?
II. Japan 1. Japan’s Position in US Policy
2. Japan’s Position in Anti-landmine Policy
3. IAEA’s Position to DPRK Nuclear Issue

NAPSNet Daily Report 12 February, 2003


I. United States

1. UN DPRK Nuclear Breach Declaration
2. DPRK Appeal Against UN Security Involvement
3. PRC on DPRK-UN Security Council Resolution
4. Russia on US War on Iraq
5. Japan on Franco-Russo-German Stance on Iraq
6. Tenet on DPRK Missile Capacity
7. DPRK-US Relations
8. ROK-DPRK Diplomacy
9. US DPRK Satellite Image Uncertainty
II. Japan 1. US Bases in Japan
2. Japanese Logistical Support for US
3. Mayoral Election in Hiroshima
4. Fast Breeder Reactor Monju

NAPSNet Daily Report 10 February, 2003


I. United States

1. US DPRK Missile Tests Warning
2. ROK PM on DPRK Nuclear Missiles
3. Powell on PRC’s Role in DPRK Nuclear Situation
4. ROK-DPRK Summit “Secret Fund”
5. US on DPRK Bomber Alert
6. ROK DPRK Humanitarian Aid Dilemma
7. Cross-Straits Currency
8. PRC Missile Development
9. PRC Dissident Life Sentence
10. Russian Bribes and Graft
11. Japan Domestic Economy
12. Inter-Korean Anti-Japan Independence Celebration
II. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK Nuclear Crisis Development
2. DPRK-US Relations on DPRK Nuke Issue
3. PRC-US Relations
4. DPRK-ROK Relations
5. ROK-US Relations on DPRK Nuke Issue
6. PRC’s Security Policy
III. Japan 1. Japan’s Position to Iraq’s Issue
2. ROK’s View on IAEA’s Position Against DPRK Nuclear Issue

NAPSNet Daily Report 04 February, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK-US Relations
2. US Military on Reinforcements
3. ROK US Military Reinforcements
4. DPRK Rumsfeld US Bombers Alert
5. US Citizens on DPRK
6. Russia on US Missile Defense Plans
7. Russia on DPRK and UN Security Council
8. PRC on US-Iraq Situation
9. ROK “Secret Funds” Investigation
10. Japan Foreign Aid Reduction
11. Russia Oil Production
II. Japan 1. Abduction Issue in Japan-DPRK Relations
2. View of Iraqis to Iraq
3. Japan’s View to Iraq
4. Japan’s Position to Economic Sanction to DPRK
5. Lawsuit on Fast Breeder Reactor
6. Plutonium in Japan
7. Japan on UN Inspection against Iraq

NAPSNet Daily Report 31 January, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK Yongbyon Fuel Rod Movement
2. US Response to DPRK Fuel Rod Movement
3. UN Nuclear Agency Emergency Meeting
4. DPRK on Multilateral Talks
5. ROK Secret DPRK Funds Transfer
6. PRC DPRK Refugee Crackdown
7. PRC US Falun Gong Imprisonment
8. Japan HIV Increase
9. Ehime Maru Final Settlement
10. DPRK US Military “Photo Exhibition”
II. Japan 1. Japan on Possible US Attack on Iraq
2. Japan’s Crisis Management Plan
3. SDF’s Landmine
4. US Bases in Japan
5. SDF’s Anti-terrorist Drill