NAPSNet Daily Report 18 April, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK Plutonium Reprocessing?
2. US on DPRK Reprocessing and DPRK Multilateral Talks
3. ROK on DPRK Reprocessing
4. PRC on DPRK Multilateral Talks
5. DPRK-US-PRC Multilateral Talks
6. Japan Response on Rumsfeld DPRK Aid Comment
7. Japan SDF in Iraq
8. PRC SARS Death Toll
9. Hong Kong on SARS Crisis
10. Japan on Japan Cluster Bombs
II. Japan 1. Yasukuni Shrine Issue
2. Japan-DPRK Relations
3. Japan-PRC Relations
4. Japan’s Possession of Cluster Bombs

NAPSNet Daily Report 17 April, 2003


I. United States

1. PRC Role in DPRK-US Talks
2. US on DPRK Multilateral Talks
3. DPRK on DPRK-US-PRC Talks
4. ROK on DPRK-US-PRC Talks
5. SARS Summit
6. Japan Missile Defense
7. PRC US Espionage Case
8. US Agent Orange in Vietnam War
9. DPRK Human Rights
10. Japan Cluster Bomb Possession
11. Japan Role in Iraq Reconstruction
12. PRC Economic Growth
13. DPRK Humanitarian Aid
II. Japan 1. Japan’s Role in Iraq Reconstruction
2. Japan DPRK Missile Launch Simulation
3. Japan Offensive Military System
4. US Bases in Japan
5. Japan Domestic Politics
6. Japan Domestic Economy

NAPSNet Daily Report 14 April, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK on DPRK Nuclear Stance
2. DPRK Multilateral Talks?
3. US Response to DPRK Multilateral Talks
4. Japan on DPRK Multilateral Talks
5. SARS Virus
6. Japan Domestic Economy
7. Japan Domestic Politics
II. People’s Republic of China 1. Japan’s Oncoming Military Exercises
2. Russia-ROK Talk on DPRK Issue
3. PRC-ROK Relations
4. ROK-US Relations
5. DPRK-US Relations
6. Russia-US Relations
7. DPRK-ROK Relations
8. PRC’s Attitude towards DPRK Issue
9. PRC-Japan Relations
10. DPRK-Japan Relations
11. ROK Weapons Development
12. DPRK’s Stance on Nuke Issue
13. ROK’s Attitude towards DPRK Issue
III. Japan 1. Japan-RF Relations
2. Japan-PRC Relations
3. Japan-DPRK Relations
4. Japan’s Role in Iraq War

NAPSNet Daily Report 11 April, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK War Readiness
2. PRC-US Espionage
3. ROK Stealth Warship
4. PRC and US on Iraq and DPRK
5. Russia on DPRK Nuclear Inspections
6. DPRK Black Market Exports
7. ROK New US Ambassador Appointment
8. ROK-US Relations on DPRK and Iraq
9. DPRK-PRC Nuclear Relations
10. Russia on DPRK Economic Sanctions
11. SARS as Mutant Cold Virus
12. PRC Executions
13. US on UN PRC Human Rights Resolution
14. Japan Environment Tax
II. Japan 1. Japan’s Role in Iraq War
2. Japan’s ODA Policy
3. US Bases in Okinawa
4. Japan’s New Military Plane
5. Japanese Logistic Support for US
6. Japan-PRC Relations
7. Japan’s Role in Iraq
8. Japan’s Position on DPRK’s Withdrawal from NPT

NAPSNet Daily Report 10 April, 2003


I. United States

1. UN DPRK Talks
2. US on DPRK Nuclear Issue
3. PRC-Russia UN Statement Obstruction
4. Russia on DPRK Guarantee
5. Japan on DPRK NPT Withdrawal
6. DPRK Military
7. ROK US Army Relocation
8. PRC-US Counter-Intelligence
9. PRC SARS Data
10. Japan on Iraq Reconstruction
11. PRC on Iraq Reconstruction
12. ROK-US Presidential Meeting
13. Japan Nuclear Response Bill
14. ASEAN on DPRK Nukes
15. ROK Domestic Economy
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK President Visit to US in May
2. ROK-US Military Talks
3. 3 North Koreans Repatriated
4. Opposition to Reduction and Relocation of US Troops
III. Japan 1. Japan’s Role in Iraq War
2. US on Japan’s Role in Iraq Reconstruction
3. Japan’s Economic Interest in Iraq
4. Japan Anti-War Sentiment

NAPSNet Daily Report 08 April, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK Pakistan Missile Export?
2. ROK Stance on DPRK Missile Firing
3. ROK Parliament on US-Led War on Iraq
4. US Stealth Fighter Jets in ROK
5. Japan on Korean Peninsula
6. Japan on US-Led War on Iraq
8. Asia Response to SARS
9. PRC Response to Human Rights Report
10. Philippines on DPRK Impact on Regional Stability
11. DPRK Human Rights
12. US ROK Troop Realignment
13. KCNA on US Human Rights Report
II. Republic of Korea 1. Sending ROK Troops to Iraq?
2. Longer Station of US Forces for Drill
3. EUCCK toward DPRK for Investment
4. Human Rights Report on Two Koreas
III. CanKor E-Clipping 1. Issue #119

NAPSNet Daily Report 07 April, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK-ROK Ministerial Talks Cancellation
2. DPRK on UN Resolutions
3. DPRK on US Attack
4. SARS Global Fatalities
5. PRC Response to SARS Scare
6. Japan Radicals US Base attack
7. DPRK Radio Broadcasts
8. Japan Human Shields in Iraq
II. People’s Republic of China 1. The DPRK Nuke Issue
2. Shanghai Co-operation Organization
3. US-Russian Ties
4. ROK-US Relations
5. PRC’s Disarmament Scheme
6. PRC-US Relations
7. Japan-PRC Relations
8. Russia-PRC Relations
III. Republic of Korea 1. Cancellation of Inter Korean Ministerial Talks
2. Three DPRK Defectors to ROK on Boat
3. ROK-US Cooperative Diplomacy on DPRK
4. DPRK Nuclear Issue to UN
5. USFK Downsizing and Relocation in Seoul
IV. Japan 1. Japan’s Role in Iraq War
2. Japanese Logistic Support for US
3. Japan’s Plutonium Storage
4. Japan Domestic Politics

NAPSNet Daily Report 04 April, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK on US-Led War on Iraq
2. DPRK Leader Re-appearence
4. PRC on DPRK Dialogue
5. US-ROK Relations
6. US Japan Minesweeper Calls
7. PRC SARS Virus
8. ROK SARS Alert
9. Japan-PRC Relations
10. ROK Domestic Economy
11. DPRK on US Human Rights
12. DPRK on US-ROK Joint Military Exercise
II. Republic of Korea 1. Deploying ROK Army to Iraq War
2. DPRK Missile Test Issue
3. DPRK Nuclear Agenda to UN
4. ROK Economy Depending on DPRK
5. ROK-US Talks on Military Alliance