NAPSNet Daily Report 18 February, 2004


I. United States

1. DPRK Multilateral Talks
2. ROK Three-Step DPRK Nuclear Freeze Framework
3. US on Japan-DPRK Abduction Issue
4. Japan DPRK Sanctions Bill Delay
5. DPRK on ROK Iraq Troop Dispatch
6. Inter-Korean Relations
7. Russian Second Missile Launch Failure
8. Japan Missile-Detecting Radar Tests
9. ROK Weapons Purchases
10. ROK DMZ Eco-Tourism Plans
11. Koizumi Yasukuni Shrine Visit
12. Taiwan 15 Billion Dollar Defense Budget
13. Japan Economic Recovery
II. People’s Republic of China 1. ROK’s Troops Sending to Iraq
2. Inter-Korean Military Talk
3. 6-Party Talks
4. DPRK on Pakistan Nuclear Confession
5. PRC-Japan Relations