Wednesday, April 21 2004

1. The LEAP Software Tool and the Far East 2. ROK on Power Grid Interconnection 3. Nautilus Institute Asian Energy Security 2004 (AES 2004) Workshop 4. North Korean Nuclear Program and International Nonproliferation Regimes 5. New Jersey Challenges California as Solar Capital of U.S. 6. World Oil Transit Chokepoints 7. DOE Launches New Web-Site for […]

NAPSNet Daily Report 21 April, 2004


I. United States

1. PRC on DPRK ‘Unofficial’ Visit
2. ROK on DPRK-PRC Talks
3. DPRK on DPRK-PRC Visit
4. Japan on Iraq Situation
5. US Missile Defense
6. US on Cross-Straits Relations
7. Hong Kong Democratization
8. US on PRC Cheney Speech Censorship
9. FBI on Terrorism in Asia
10. US on Taiwan Relations Act
11. Kelly on Taiwan Relations Act
12. KEDO-Japan Talks
13. DPRK Technological Developments
14. US-PRC Trade Deal
15. Japan Economic Growth
16. Japan on Asia Oil Energy

NAPSNet Daily Report 20 April, 2004


I. United States

1. PRC-DPRK Diplomacy
2. US on DPRK Nuclear Negotiations
3. DPRK Working Group
4. KEDO-DPRK Discussions
5. ROK-DPRK Relations
6. DPRK-ROK Economic Talks
7. DPRK Economic Development
8. DPRK-ROK DMZ Electricity
9. PRC on Cheney Censorship
10. PRC Coal Energy
11. Iraq Japanese Hostages
12. OpEd: New York Times on Asia Missile Defense
II. Japan 1. Japan Constitutional Revision
2. Japan Hostage Crisis in Iraq
3. Japan Iraq Troops Dispatch
III. CanKor E-Clipping Service 1. Issue #161

NAPSNet Daily Report 19 April, 2004


I. United States

1. PRC-DPRK Secret Talks
2. US Cheney Asia Visit Conclusion
3. ROK Presidential Impeachment
4. KEDO Japan Visit
5. Iraq Japanese Abduction Victims Return Home
6. EU on PRC Arms Ban
7. PRC Tiananmen Square Anniversary Preparation
8. Taiwan World Health Organization Bid
II. Japan 1. Japan Hostage Crisis
2. Japan Iraq Troops Dispatch
3. Koizumi on US Presence in Iraq
4. Japan Yasukuni Shrine Controversy
III. CanKor E-Clipping Service 1. Issue #160