Danish Prime Minister Gives Tacit Go-Ahead For U.S. Nuclear Weapons In Greenland

A few months after the Danish government had first announced its decision not to accept nuclear weapons on Danish territory, U.S. Ambassador Val Peterson visited Danish Prime Minister H. C. Hansen. During the meeting, the Ambassador avoided asking directly whether Denmark wanted to be informed if the U.S. should decide to deploy nuclear weapons in […]

U.S. Plan For Nuclear Weapons Operations In And Around Japan During The Cold War

By November 1956 — only fifteen months after Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu promised the Diet in June 1955 that the United States did not have nuclear weapons stored in Japan and did not plan to do so in the future without the approval of the Japanese government — 13 separate U.S. military facilities in […]

State Department Report Reveals Lies About “Allison-Shigemitsu Agreement

This internal State Department report from 1957 reviews the assurances given by Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu to the Diet on June 27, 1955, that he had reached an “understanding” with U.S. Ambassador John Allison during a meeting on May 31, 1955 which guaranteed that U.S. forces in Japan were not possession of nuclear weapons […]