july 1995 FOIA Documents Source: Presumably U.S. Department of Defense, “Regarding Nuclear Activities At Thule Air Base,” [ca. July 1995]. Full Text: [NOTE: unofficial translation] SECRET [Ca. July 1995] Regarding Nuclear Activities at Thule Air Base. The following is the final account by the United States government on the matter of deployment of nuclear weapons […]

The Phoenix Study

Only a few weeks before President Bush in September 1991 announced sweeping reductions in US nuclear forces, Strategic Air Command (SAC) completed the Phoenix Study. It was the last force structure study conducted by SAC, which was disbanded and merged into US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) in June 1992. The Phoenix Study, named after its classification […]

STRATCOM White Paper post-start II arms control

After the Nuclear Posture Review was completed in September 1994 and START I entered into force three months later, STRATCOM began preparing for what would come after START II. To ensure international support for an indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at the NPT Review and Extension conference in New York in April […]

The Sun City Extended Study

During the Nuclear Posture Review deliberations in 1994, STRATCOM published the Sun City Extended study. Emerging less than a year after completion of the original Sun City study from 1993, the new study contained important changes compared with its predecessor. Although the declassified Sun City Extended is heavily redacted, the new study’s perhaps most interesting […]

U.S. Nuclear War Planning In Japan

While the public debate over U.S. nuclear weapons in Japan raged in the 1960s and 1970s, the U.S. secretly used its facilities in Japan to build its strategic nuclear war plan. The center for this effort was the Pacific Command Operations Liason Office (POLO) located at Fuchu Air Station. For about a dozen revisions of […]

Nuclear Strike Training and Nuclear Certification at Kunsan Air Base in 1991

This excerpt from the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing history for the period January-June 1991 shows how U.S. pilots stationed at Kunsan Air Base underwent nuclear weapons and other fighter-bomber strike training. The document also describes that the weapons division at the base passed special Air Force training and inspections to be certified to store and […]

Special Nuclear Weapons Proceedures For U.S. Navy Ships Using Yokosuka

The nuclear-capable aircraft carrier USS Midway (CV-41) homeported at Yokosuka between 1973 and the early 1990s had special nuclear weapons procedures due to the sensitivity of nuclear weapons in Japan. This prevented establishment of formal nuclear weapons scools in or training with nuclear weapons while inport Yokosuka. Moreover, the ship’s nuclear weapons devision was the […]

The Nautilus Institute Global Disclosure Project

Other Holding Document Lists 1st Seminar – 1958-59 “Problem 1 – Analyze U.S. and Sino Soviet Bloc Capabilities in selected less developed countries in North Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia during the next five years and recommend courses of action to maximize the U.S. position” – June 12, 1959 “Problem 2 – Analyze […]

U.S. Ambassador Informs State Department About Japanese Nuclear Debate

December 11, 1999 The U.S. Ambassador to Japan, John Allison, informed the U.S. Secretary of State about the public debate following reports that the United States planned to deploy nuclear weapons in Japan in accordance with a secret agreement. The telegram reported that “top foreign ministry officials” played down the scandal saying that the Japanese […]

Murder at Panmunjom: The Role of Theatre Commander in Crisis Resolution

March, 1987 Read the report. 37,000 American troops remain deployed in South Korea. Both Koreas maintain very large military forces ready to fight at a moments notice. The two sides exchange fire across the DMZ at least annually and as recently as July. The DMZ is always tense with the potential to escalate to full-scale […]