The Nautilus Institute Global Disclosure Project

Other Holding Document Lists 1st Seminar – 1958-59 “Problem 1 – Analyze U.S. and Sino Soviet Bloc Capabilities in selected less developed countries in North Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia during the next five years and recommend courses of action to maximize the U.S. position” – June 12, 1959 “Problem 2 – Analyze […]

Information Tools

Virtual Diasporas Diasporic Communication in the Contexts of International Conflict and Cooperation Phineas Baxandall, Harvard University Good Capital, Bad Capital: Dangers and Development in Digital Diasporas (abstract) Karim H. Karim, Carleton University Diasporic Communication in the Contexts of International Conflict and Cooperation. Michel Laguerre, MIT/UC Berkeley “Virtual Diasporas: A New Frontier of National Security” (op-ed) […]

Description: Japan Under the US Nuclear Umbrella

Hans M. Kristensen PAPER (HTML) Introduction and Summary The Early Years The Battle over Okinawa  The “Secret” Agreement Nuclear War Planning in Japan About the Author MEDIA COVERAGE   Asahi Shimbun, August 25, 1999, p. 5. English evening edition. Available in HTML-format or PDF-format. The Mainichi Newspapers, August 5, 1999, p. 8. English evening edition […]

Aircraft Carrier Homeporting in Yokosuka and the U.S. Understanding of Japanese Nuclear Approval

JULY 19, 1999 More than a year after the reversion of Okinawa to Japan in May 1972, the U.S. government prepared for the homeporting of the nuclear-capable aircraft carrier USS Midway (CV-41) to Yokosuka. Although the Japanese government publicly assured that Japan’s three non-nuclear principles prohibited nuclear weapons on warships visiting Japanese ports, CINCPAC concluded […]

U.S. Navy Rejects State Department Proposal To Offload Nuclear Weapons Before Entering Japan

JULY 19, 1999 During preparations for homeporting the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Midway (CV-41) to Yokosuka in 1972, the U.S. State Department proposed offloading the carrier’s nuclear weapons prior to entering Japan. This proposal was rejected by the Chief of Naval Operations, however, as “operationally unacceptable.” The Japanese government nonetheless has assured publicly that U.S. […]

Joint U.S.-Japanese Exercise Test “Nuclear Broadcast Procedures”

July 19, 1999 Joint U.S.-Japanese air defense exercises in the early 1960s included nuclear weapons operations. One of three joint air defense exercises held during 1962, for example, exercised “nuclear broadcast procedures.” Obtained under provisions of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by the Nautilus Institute January 1994 Full Excerpt From Document:U.S./Japan Exercises: U.S. […]

1967 Contingency for Deployment of Genie Nuclear Air-to-Air Missile to Japan

July 19, 1999 At the time the Japanese government reiterated its three non-nuclear principles in 1967, the U.S. had contingency plans for deployment of the Genie nuclear air-to-air missiles to Japan. The relevant page in the 1967 CINCPAC History that contains the details remains classified, but the Genie and its nuclear armament is identified by […]