IGCC in China Nautilus Institute A Background Paper for the ESENA Workshop Innovative Financing for Clean Coal in China: A GEF Technology Risk Guarantee? Berkeley, California 27-28 February 1999 ___________________________________________________________________________ Financing Clean Coal Table of Contents Introduction Advanced CCT’s CCT’s in China Foreign Support Yantai Demo Conclusion References ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction Clean coal technologies (CCTs) […]
Innovative Financing of Clean Coal in China: A GEF Technology Risk Guarantee? Agenda
Agenda 27-28 February 1999 Nautilus Institute Berkeley, CA Saturday, 27 February 8:30 AM Registration 9:00 Welcome Yasuhide Yamanouchi Lyuba Zarsky 9:15 Session I: Clean Coal Technology in China Chair: Kirk Smith Assessing the Potential for Clean Coal Technologies in Asia Charles Johnson Coal Utilization in China Nobuhiro Horii Power Sector Reform in China Qing […]
Innovative Financing of Clean Coal in China: A GEF Technology Risk Guarantee? Participants
February 27-28 1999 Nautilus Institute Berkeley, CA Participants UNITED STATES Ted ATWOOD (US Department of Energy (DOE)) Peter EVANS (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) Neville HOLT (Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)) Charles JOHNSON (East-West Center) Mark LEVINE (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL)) Jeffrey LOGAN (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)) Jack SIEGEL (Energy Resources International, Inc.) Kirk […]
Asian Environmental Scenarios Roundtable
February 3, 1999 Geneva, Switzerland Background The Asian Environmental Scenarios Roundtable brought together 24 participants from eleven Asia-Pacific countries to engage in a “strategic conversation” about the future of the region. Held February 3, 1999 in Geneva, Switzerland, the Roundtable was organized by the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development, with financial support from […]
Toward Integrated Coastal Management in Japan
Toward Integrated Coastal Management in Japan Masahiko Isobe Professor at the University of Tokyo Department of Civil Engineering presented at the ESENA Workshop: Energy-Related Marine Issues in the Sea of Japan Tokyo, Japan 11-12 July 1998 ____________________________________________ table of contents Introduction Current Coastal Environment Status ICZM Theoretical Framework Japan’s Present Coastal Zone Management System ICZM […]
A Vessel Traffic System Analysis for the Korea/Tsushima Strait
A Vessel Traffic System Analysis for the Korea/Tsushima Strait Linda PAUL Director Ocean Law & Policy Institute presented at the ESENA Workshop: Energy-Related Marine Issues in the Regional Seas of Northeast Asia Berkeley, CA December 8-10, 1997 1. Introduction The Korea/Tsushima Strait separates the southeastern coast of the Republic of Korea (ROK) from the northwestern coast […]
Policy Forum 97-10: Baseline Assessment of Acid Rain in Northeast Asia
Examines emissions projections in Northeast Asia, develops sulfur deposition estimates in the region, and suggests potential joint US-Japanese policy initiatives to curb acidifying emissions in the region.
China’s View of Acid Rain in Northeast Asia and Regional Cooperation Strategies for Mitigation
China’s View of Acid Rain in Northeast Asia and Regional Cooperation Strategies for Mitigation Jonathan E. Sinton Jonathan Sinton is a Scientist in the Energy Analysis Program of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This paper was prepared under a private consulting arrangement, and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory […]
Energy and Acid Rain Projections for Northeast Asia
Energy and Acid Rain Projections for Northeast Asia David G. Streets David Streets is a Senior Scientist in the Decision and Information Sciences Division of Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439. This paper was prepared under a private consulting arrangement, and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Argonne National Laboratory or the […]