Missiles Table 3

  Country & Missile Alternate Names Stages & Fuel Range (km) Gross Weight (kg) Payload (RV wt) (kg) CEP (m) Number 2000 Comments N KOREA HwaSong 5 Scud B 1 liq 300 5,900 (985) 800 HwaSong 6 Scud C 1 liq 500 6,400 (770) 1,000 hundreds NoDong 1 1 liq 1,000 21,000 1200 (750) 3,000 […]


The following document is a fact sheet from the US Treasury Department, Office of Foreign Assets Control, detailing the economic sanctions that apply to the DPRK under US law, and how those sanctions can be revised or repealed.   Category[Legal Citation] Description Repeal/Revise 1. Diplomatic Relations.[U.S. Constitution Note: For a good, general overview of the […]

Nuclear Weapons: Presentations by David Albright

Presentations by David Albright President, Institute for Science and International Security and author of the new report, Solving the North Korean Nuclear Puzzle Jon Wolfsthal Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Chair: Joseph Cirincione Director, Carnegie Non-Proliferation Project David Albright: In late 1994 when the framework between the United States and North Korea was signed […]

Setting the Record Straight about Plutonium Production in North Korea

David Albright and Holly Higgins Institute for Science and International Security, 2000 In debating the merits of the Agreed Framework, critics have repeatedly charged that the provision of the two light-water reactors (LWRs) to North Korea will actually enhance North Korea’s ability to make nuclear weapons, compared to its pre-Agreed Framework nuclear capability. A typical […]

Presentations by David Albright

Presentations by David Albright President, Institute for Science and International Security and author of the new report, Solving the North Korean Nuclear Puzzle Jon Wolfsthal Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Chair: Joseph Cirincione Director, Carnegie Non-Proliferation Project David Albright: In late 1994 when the framework between the United States and North Korea was signed […]

Nautilus Concludes Third Renewable Energy Mission to the DPRK

BEIJING, OCTOBER 3, 2000 — A five-person engineering team from the Nautilus Institute today successfully completed the third mission of the US-DPRK Wind Power Village Humanitarian Energy Project. The mission followed up on two previous trips to North Korea in May and September of 1998. “We are very pleased by the success of this mission,” […]

Solving the North Korean Nuclear Puzzle

Policy Area: Nuclear Weapons Solving the North Korean Nuclear Puzzle Appendix 3: Setting the Record Straight about Plutonium Production in North Korea David Albright and Holly Higgins Institute for Science and International Security, 2000 In debating the merits of the Agreed Framework, critics have repeatedly charged that the provision of the two light-water reactors (LWRs) […]

Nautilus Institute Completes First American Windpower Village Project in North Korea

BERKELEY, MAY 22 —The US-DPRK Village Wind Power Pilot Project team has completed successfully the construction of the first of seven wind turbine towers in a rural village on the west coast of North Korea.Dr. Peter Hayes, the Executive Director of the Berkeley-based Nautilus Institute, made the announcement today upon return from North Korea via […]

Approaches to the Formulation of a Human Rights Agenda in the US-DPRK Dialogue

Approaches to the Formulation of a Human Rights Agenda in the US-DPRK Dialogue by Alexandre Mansourov   A satisfactory resolution of the nuclear question on the Korean peninsula will create further momentum for progress in the security and political dialogue between the DPRK and the USA. At this time, human rights is likely to come […]

DPRK Briefing Book: Policy Area: Multilateral Talks

The Reduction of Tension in Korea US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Vol. 1 June 1972. Peter W. Colm, Rosemary Hayes, Karl F. Spielmann, Nathan N. White, “The Reduction of Tension in Korea Vol. I”, Institute for Defense Analysis, 1972. Released under US Freedom of Information Act to Nautilus Institute. This case study is taken […]