APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, November 27, 2008

  1. Indonesia ‘Crucial’ In Weathering Climate Storm
  2. Miner Tied to Somali Pirates
  3. China’s Secrecy ‘Could Affect Region’, Angus Houston Warns
  4. Asian Leaders Prefer To Broaden Existing Body: Woolcott
  5. Jakarta May Have to Seek IMF Aid
  6. US Aims to Boost Afghan Troop Surge
  7. Opium Trade Plagues War against Taliban
  8. Fitzgibbon in Dispute with UN over Rejected General
  9. PM Holds Tongue on Taliban Talks
  10. Nuclear War Threat to Grow By 2025
  11. [East Timor] Like There’s No Tomorrow
  12. Defence Department is Facing More Delays over Boeing’s Wedgetail Surveillance Aircraft