Nautilus Weekly May 24 – 28, 2010

May 24 – 28, 2010 CHINA WILL ACT IN ITS OWN INTERESTS WHEN DEALING WITH NORTH KOREA Scott Bruce, Director of US Operations at the Nautilus Institute, told Channel News Asia, “China is extremely hesitant to use that influence in a coercive manner because it could induce the collapse of the North Korean state, which […]

APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, May 3, 2010

  1. Sky high
  2. The nuclear caste system
  3. Indonesia to ratify nuclear test ban treaty
  4. A unified push to export nuke power
  5. [East Timor] Ramos Horta ‘premature’ in rejecting Sunrise proposal
  6. Kandahar violence ‘to get worse’
  7. Al-Qaeda’s allies: explaining the relationship between Al-Qaeda and various factions of the Taliban after 2001
  8. A natural power: challenges for Australia’s resources diplomacy in Asia
  9. “It’s high time to close the legal gap for private military and security contractors” – UN expert body on mercenaries