OGAWA Shinichi is currently a Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director of the Second research Department, the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS), Japan.
He has written on U.S.-Soviet/Russian strategic issues, nuclear arms control and the U.S.-Japan security relationship. Most of Dr. Ogawa’s publications are written in Japanese, but some of his English articles include “The Nuclear Security of Japan and South Korea – A Japanese View,” The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis (Summer 1997), “Significance of the Post-Cold War U.S.-Japan Alliance and Prospects for Security Cooperation,” The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis (Summer 1994), and “U.S. Nuclear Forces and Japanese/Western Pacific Security’” in Nuclear Weapons in the Changing World: Perspectives from Europe, Asia, and North America, Patrick J. Garrity and Steven Maaranen, eds. (New York: Plenum Press, 1992). He got a Bachelor’s of Economics from the University of Kanazawa and a Ph.D. in political science from Yale University.
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