북한의 핵무기 개발과 능력

이 춘 근 (과학기술정책연구원 연구위원) 11 May 2015 English version (영어 버전) here http://www.kdjlibrary.org/ 요약 이춘근 한국 과학기술정책연구원 선임연구위원은 글에서 ‘북한은 수십 년의 노력을 거쳐 국내산 원료를 사용하는 원자력 주기를 완성하였다’고 하고 ‘북한의 핵무기는 … 각종 부품과 재료, 기술이 부족하’지만 ‘자력갱생으로 이러한 난관들을 상당히 극복했’다고 분석한다. 이 연구위원은 ‘북한의 핵 관련기술 개발과 수준에 대한 보다 […]

Assessing North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Capability

by Lee Chun-keun 11 May 2015 For the Korean language version of this report click here. I. Introduction Lee Chun-keun writes that ‘North Korea, after decades of effort in its nuclear endeavor, has managed to develop its nuclear program using homegrown resources.’ He states that while North Korea’s ‘nuclear weapons program…lacks parts, resources and technology to […]

Nuclear terrorism risks in Northeast Asia: Japan’s reactor restart and spent fuel

NAPSNet Special Report by Peter Hayes 23 March 2015 I. SUMMARY In this report Peter Hayes examines the risk of nuclear terrorism in Northeast Asia with particular reference to Japan. He states that Japan is no more immune to nuclear terrorism than it was to a catastrophic reactor accident. In this context, the combination of […]

North Korea’s nuclear force roadmap: hard choices

by Peter Hayes and Roger Cavazos NAPSNet Special Report 2 March 2015 I. SUMMARY In this report Peter Hayes and Roger Cavazos lay out a possible roadmap for North Korea’s nuclear operational force. The authors state: “The laws of physics that determine how nuclear weapons and delivery systems perform are the same in North Korea […]

Nuclear command-and-control in the Millennials era

In this report Peter Hayes writes about the risk of nuclear war and complexity. He states that “very few leaders or even strategic scholars pay attention to the new complexity of the operating environment in which national nuclear command-and-control systems operate, or the new characteristics of the command-and-control systems and their supporting CISR systems that may contribute to the problem of loss-of-control and rapid escalation to nuclear war.

“Today, the underlying ground is moving beneath the feet of nuclear-armed states. The enormous flow across borders of people, containers, and information, and the growth of connectivity between cities, corporations, and communities across borders, is recasting the essential nature of security itself to a networked flux of events and circumstances that no agency or state can control. The meta-system of nuclear command-and control systems has emerged in this new post-modern human condition.”

동북아 비핵지대를 통한 핵 위협의 종식

Source: http://www.thereaganvision.org/inf-treaty/

동북아 비핵지대를 통한 핵 위협의 종식[1] 피터 헤이지(노틸러스 연구소) http://www.kdjlibrary.org/ 6 January 2015 English version (영어 버전) here 요약 본 글은 동북아 지역에서 핵 위협이 어떻게 국가간의 관계에서 형성되고 있고, 비핵국가에 대한 그러한 위협을 감소시키고 종식시키기 위해서는 어떤 노력을 기울어야 하는지 설명하고자 작성된 것이다. 또한 동북아 비핵무기지대(이하 비핵지대)가 어떻게 이러한 핵 위협을 종식시킬 수 있고, […]

Ending Nuclear Threat via a Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone

Source: http://www.thereaganvision.org/inf-treaty/

Peter Hayes Nautilus Institute NAPSNet Special Report January 6, 2015 This special report was first presented at the Nuclear Free Korea and Northeast Asia Conference, Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library, December 10, 2014, Seoul. Korean version (한국어 버전) here I. Summary This background paper sketches how nuclear threat is woven into inter-state relations in the Northeast […]