Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 30 July 2015

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"Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 30 July 2015", Uncategorized NAPSNet Weekly Report, July 30, 2015,

UntitledDETERRENCE: Crews to start unprecedented 3-carrier swap this summer, Lance Bacon, Navy Times (12 July 2015)

The US Navy is swapping out 3 aircraft crews across carriers, countries, and homeports. Aircraft carriers are “high reliability operations” in which tacit knowledge and on-job learning a critical. This living operations manual is difficult to transmit. The 3 hull swap will keep six carriers in the Pacific and maybe fill a gap in the Middle East in late 2015.

Syd Seiler and Kim Gunn (1)DPRK: US envoy on North Korea Sydney Seiler says Iran deal proves flexibility, Economic Times (India) (27 July 2015)

North Korea’s slight warming to China and South Korea should be seen as attempts to solidify domestic conditions and dampen North Korea domestic situation by dampening external shocks. North Korea doesn’t want China to pressure it to accept anything like an Iran deal. Engaging South Korea on reforestation helps North Korea’s environment and removes some urgency as ROK President Park’s term winds down. However, both North and South Korea attempt to strike asymmetrically at each other in the cyber realm.

GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Students protest in Taiwan over ‘China-centric’ education, AFP (22 July 2015)

Students in Taiwan protested proposed changes in school textbooks that they feel are ‘China-centric’ both outside and inside the Education Ministry, resulting in the arrest of thirty students. Public frustration with China and agreements between Beijing and Taiwan’s current governing party has grown, with increasing numbers supporting independence and identifying less as Chinese and more as Taiwanese.

Xi-Obama - scrolleditorial Follow CHINA-US-DIPLOMACY (1)CLIMATE CHANGE AND SECURITY: Beijing is finally getting serious about climate change, Barbara Finamore et al, China File, Foreign Policy blog (11 July 2015)

There is a disjuncture between increasing and productive China-US climate change cooperation and the reciprocal enemy images of their security establishments. China may be ‘trying to hack into everything that doesn’t move’, but we know, post-Snowden, China is not alone in that. Moreover the level of Chinese industrial cross-border collaboration, including in its solar power industries, ‘challenges the idea that climate remediation is necessarily impeded by a structurally-determined, geopolitically-driven “tragedy of the commons.”’

The Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report presents articles and full length reports each week in six categories: Austral security, nuclear deterrence, energy security, climate change and security, the DPRK, climate change adaptation and governance and civil society. Our team of contributors carefully select items that highlight the links between these themes and the three regions in which our offices are found — North America, Northeast Asia, and the Austral-Asia region.

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