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"ASIAN ENERGY SECURITY NETWORK DAILY REPORT, Wednesday, Aug 25, 2004", EASSNet, August 25, 2004,

Wednesday, Aug 25, 2004


1. Mongolia Energy Sector and LEAP Model

The Nautilus Institute (Ts. Sukhbaatar, Ch. Oyunchimeg, S. Zoljargal, “ENERGY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN MONGOLIA, LEAP MODEL, AND IMPLICATIONS OF A REGIONAL ALTERNATIVE PATH FOR MONGOLIA”, May 12 – 15, 2004) released this report for the Asian Energy Security Workshop held in Beijing, China May 12 – 15, 2004. The report details the current status of Mongolia’s energy sector and discusses energy sector reform and regulation and the objectives of energy sector development. The report continues with an update of the Mongolia Long Range Energy Alternatives (LEAP) Model construction and implications of a regional alternative path for Mongolia including next steps for developing energy pathway scenarios.

View the full report here.

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2. Geopolitics of Natural Gas

In a joint study of the Program on Energy and Sustainable Development at Stanford University and the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University (GEOPOLITICS OF NATURAL GAS STUDY, Revised August 2004), historical case studies and economic modeling are utilized to examine the geopolitical consequences of a major shift to natural gas in world energy markets are studied. The study makes conclusions about changing governmental, social and economic roles through the emergence of an integrated global gas.

View the full report here.

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3. Russia to Ship LNG to US

The New York Times reported (James Brooke, “DEAL TO SHIP RUSSIAN GAS TO U.S. IS SAID TO BE CLOSE”, August 19, 2004) that a contract to ship liquefied natural as from a plan to open in 2007 on Russia’s Sakhalin Island to a terminal in Northern Mexico is in very advanced negotiations. With oil prices nearing $50 a barrel, Americans are competing with China, Korea, and Japan for Sakhalin’s resources. According to Spencer Abraham, United States Energy Secretary, the goal of the U.S. is “to diversify (its) access to energy exports from around the world.”

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4. North Korean Energy Use Decline

Energy Compass (Energy Compass, “NORTH KOREAN ENERGY USE CRASHES”, August 20, 2004) reported that energy consumption in North Korea has fallen by nearly 35% since 1990. Comparisons with 1990 show the country is becoming more dependent on indigenous energy sources as dependence on crude oil falls. According to figures provided by Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI), the gap between North Korea and South Korea’s energy production has widened by close to 20 percent since 1990.

The article can be viewed here

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5. China Air Pollutants in South Korea

China Waste and Environmental Technologies: Weekly (CWET: Weekly, “CHINA POLLUTION SOUTH KOREA’S AIR”, Vol. 1, Issue #5, August 24, 2004) reported on a recent research study that concluded that up to 49 percent of South Korea’s air pollutants come across the West Sea directly from China. According to the study, conducted by Seoul National University in cooperation with Chinese Science Research Institute, approximately 30 percent of Korea’s ecosystem as been critically damaged by pollutants from China.

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6. Energy Systems Using Life Cycle Assessment

The World Energy Council (World Energy Council, “COMPARISON OF ENERGY SYSTEMS USING LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT”, 2004) published this study in the lead up to its 19th World Energy Congress to take place in Sydney, Australia from 509 September. “The report describes the role of life cycle assessment (LCA) in analyzing environmental impacts of various energy options and outlines the steps in a “full life cycle” approach, which examines the entire production chain from exploration and extraction to processing, storage, transport, transformation into secondary fuels and end use. The study also explains the benefits and limitations of using LCA and looks at the role LCA can play in an effective decision-making process. It examines comparative results for electricity, space heating and transportation and makes specific observations on various primary energy sources. Recommendations for additional LCA research is needed are also included.”

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7. Climate Change in California

UC Berkeley News (Sarah Yang, “NEW CLIMATE CHANGE STUDY PREDICTS HOTTER SUMMERS, WATER SHORTAGE IN CALIFORNIA”, August 16, 2004) reported that, according to a study released on Monday, August 16 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, California will experience significantly hotter summers by 2100, with resulting impacts on availability of water and human health. The researchers studied two scenarios presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – a business-as-usual approach to the use of fossil fuels, and an alternative energy/fuel efficiency scenario. California was chosen as the study site due to its limited water supply and diverse climate.

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